Annual year 6 Book club trip to Trengrove Kindergarten

I love this tradition we have here at Fendalton School where the year six book club students stroll down to our local kindergarten and share Christmas stories with the young children. Our students wear Christmas hats, read Christmas picture books and spend time playing with the children, many who end up coming here later.

Our students have spent morning tea times reading their stories to get them perfect.  A few of the students have siblings at the kindergarten which is just lovely. Our students also performed a variety of Maori songs and dance.

We will be having a shared lunch today to celebrate all the fun we have had in book club. We read challenging novels and often have some very deep discussions, which is just magic. A perfect way to finish up a book-filled year together.









Year six Book club trip to Trengrove Kindergarten

What a beautiful day for the year six book club students to walk to Trengrove Kindergarten and share Christmas stories with the younger children.
Our annual trip to the kindergarten is fast becoming a tradition which is well-loved by all involved.
It is a great opportunity for our students to connect with our community.
The lovely kindergarten children welcomed us with a song and our students sang back in return. After a story the children played games, puzzles and made sand castles in the sandpit or some played on the swings and slide.
It really is wonderful to see our students being so caring and responsible with the wee ones and I know that they are very ready to move on to Intermediate next year.










FOS book club students on our annual trek to Trengrove Kindergarten to share stories

The year six book club has grown so much this year that it had to be split in to two groups. We still did heaps of reading and had some great discussions.

One of the special things we do at the end of the year is trek down to our local kindergarten and share Christmas stories with the young children. It is wonderful to see that all the boys and girls in book club get right in to the spirit of it all and enjoy reading picture books to the wee ones. I love the community feel between all the children and it is a highlight of the term when we all make our way down the road – wearing our Santa hats of course.

Unfortunately not everyone can be in book club as there is limited room and time but if you are moving into year six next year and are keen for a challenge, come and let me know.





Our year six Faultline Fiction Fanatics book club students after the event. A great way to end the year!