I hope you all had a wonderful break and are now all excited to get started on the last term of the year.
The library looks lovely with the blossoms out in full.

Room 10 (year 6) have been working on some book reviews of their favourite books. These will be posted here over the coming days. Enjoy reading the reviews and of course come and get the book out if you like the sound of the books.
Artemis Fowl
Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer is in my opinion one of the best books in the world. Printed in 2001 and the first in the series it gives a fantastic twist of magic and crime.
A teenage child prodigy from Ireland who has dedicated his brilliant mind to criminal activities. He meets a race of technologically advanced fairies. This is going to be interesting!
This is an amazing book, hilarious with some laugh out loud jokes. I highly recommend this book and if you enjoy this novel read some other Eoin Colfer books such as Airman and the Super-Naturalists.
By George M
For more info and fun check out the website all about Artemis Fowl
ub – The Killing
The Killing is the fourth book in the unique CHERUB series, written by Robert Muchamore. It was first published in 2005, by Hodder Children’s books.
The book centers on James Adams, where you follow him as his first day when his mum dies in the recruit, through the several gripping novels in the series.
James is sent to figure out where Leon, a car sales man got a whole load of money. But, what James starts to unravel isn’t what he thinks. And the only person who might know the truth is a depressed 18 year old boy.
The problem is, the boy committed suicide thirteen months earlier.
Or was it murder??
want to know the answer?
find out in the book.
Please note : this is not available through our library as it is a book for more mature readers. Ella loves the series but has borrowed the book from the public library.

The brilliant world of Tom Gates
by Liz Pichon
If you are looking for a nice easy funny novel then you should go and get the first Tom Gates.
In Tom Gates it is based on him and his friend. One time in the morning he was running late and he couldn’t find his fleece. He was looking all around his house. After he looked every he found it outside on the line but is was so wet so he either had to wear a wet fleece or put it in the dryer on full power. He put it in the dryer and guess what his fleece SHRUNK.
So if you think that sounds good then you should go and get it.
By Georgia