[dropcap2]W[/dropcap2]e have a small selection of books available for parents to borrow on your child’s card. These books can be borrowed for two weeks.
- Planning to Move, Moving to Plan: Living with Developmental Dyspraxia in New Zealand by Judy Davies www.dyspraxia.org.nz
- The Anti-bullying Handbook by Keith Sullivan
- Bully Busting: How to help children deal with teasing and bullying by Evelyn Field
- Going to hospital: A book for children. NB This is a Christchurch based book which is well worth reading with your child if they are going in to hospital. Highly recommended.
- The Reading Bug and how you can help your child to catch it by Paul Jennings A great easy read which inspires you to encourage your kids to read. Highly recommended by many educationalists
- Brainy parents – brainy kids by John Joseph. Deals with brain stimulation, learning and the psychology of the child.
- Raising boys by Steve Biddulph. The psychology of boys.
- The gift of dyslexia: why some of the brightest people can’t read and how they learn
- Rocket your child into reading by Jackie French
- My friend has dyspraxia by Nicola Edwards
- The parent’s homework handbook by Christine Ward
- Dyspraxia by Geoff Brookes
- Web Sites of Interest:
- Dyslexia – www.davislearn.com, symptoms www.ddapacific.co.nz, wwww.picture.thinkers.co.nz
- Visual Memory – jigsaw puzzles www.jigzone.co.nz eye exercises. www.eyecanlearn.com I spy www.scholastic.com/ispy/play/index.asp
- Auditory memory – www.masteringmemory.co.uk, www.kidscanlearn.net.
- ABC’s – Learn to read phonic and comphrension www.starfall.com. This is a great site to play and learn
- www.altogetherautism.org.nz a provider databases of ASD-related support services